Friday, February 1, 2008


I've been having some better days recently. Don't know if that has anything to do with the new medication I've been on, or if problems are not as big in my life right now. Well, I know the problems are still as big and as, it may be a mixture of things involved in my "ok-ness" at the moment. I would say it's God, working things only God can.

It's really funning to me, because I have wondered if anyone actually reads these blogs I write. I really have no clue who comes on and checks this site, but I DO know that it's been very theraputic for me to write all this out to a world unknown. So, to those of you who read this blogsite from time to time...thanks for letting me ramble on. Please continue to pray for me (the prayers are working), and thank you for listening! :)


1 comment:

La Pistolera said...

I am reading Jessica. Keep up the fight.Belinda