Saturday, May 3, 2008

Because...just because...

So, someone told me that I needed to write a new that he could read it. I agreed, so here I am writing a blog about whatever comes to mind!!! I have nothing particular that I feel "compelled" to write about...but I'm sure I can come up with something, because I'm pretty good about writing about nothing. LOL!!!

I've been having better days! God has really been blessing me with peace of heart, and with a stable mindset in a lot of areas of my life. I reconnected with a family member whom I felt was lost to me. I have lost a grandma I loved, but have the security of knowing that she is safe in the arms of the Lord and that I will see her again. I am in a relationship with a boy who loves me, and who is dedicated to serving the Lord! I love where I am, here in Lubbock, at SIBI, learning about how to love God with deeper passion. I have a whole mess of people around me whom care about my well-being, and who push me to grow in myself! I have been seeing a counselor here, and I am learning more about how I deal with things...been able to put some names to actions, and that has freed me a ton! I'm in a better place, dealing with depression....I have ups and downs, some days better than others...but I think right now I am ok. I've been trying to confront areas in my heart that are more concentrated by "heavy clouds"...not focusing all my time on them, but certainly not being afraid to be honest when those things arise. God has been blessing me in confronting what I need to, and giving me the grace that I need for myself.

This month of May is going to be a full one...I can already see that, and we're only 3 days into it! I went yesterday and applied at a couple places for jobs in retail. I've applied at New York 'n Company & JCPenneys in Lubbock. So, we'll see what happens. I will try again next week, looking for places, if I don't get any hits. :) It would be nice to have a job for the summer. I would enjoy working to earn some money of my own. I appreciate my supporters SO MUCH, and without them I wouldn't be where I am today! But I also know that there will be things that'll come up in the near future which I might need a little extra money, it would be nice if I could pay for those things myself. I love being able to do that.

May will also bring with it...SIBI Graduation for the 2008 Class. I have come to know and love so many of these people, so my heart is saddened at the thought that they won't be here anymore. But, I'm overjoyed for they will be leaving for different ministries, countries, and works that the Lord has already prepared in advance for them! That's what this school is all about anyway-- training workers for the Kingdom. The Message is not for us alone...we are told to share it, and that's just what this class is about to go out and do! How exciting is that!?

The sun has been out in force lately...Lubbock has been bright and beautiful. The green of this place is coming back, which is encouraging. I have really felt better with that being the case, and I'm very thankful to the Lord for the good weather we've had. Although, this whole area could use the rain...and plenty of it. So, we're all praying, *Send your rain, Lord!!!*

That's all for now, from me. I feel like I have run out of thoughts, or rather, things to share. But, I hope whoever reads this enjoys the random tidbits of my mind. :)

Love you all lots!!! Miss you, too (even if it's only been a couple days)!!!


Zack said...

Hi! I hope and pray your time in Lubbock going to SIBI is going well. That your life in ministry after SIBI will be long and fruitful.
Lord-willing I will be attending SIBI starting this Fall. God bless!

La Pistolera said...

Hey glad you have had a few better days. You gotta do the work... it is hard work to dig out the old stuff and refill the holes with good things. Blessings